Tools for a successful doctorate
Basic module tutor/mentor qualification
18.10. and 19.10.2024
Leadership in times of New Work - New Normal?
29.10. and 30.10.2024
Welcome to the Graduate Academy of the TU Clausthal
The Graduate Academy of the Clausthal University of Technology is a service institution for young scientists of all qualification levels at the Clausthal University of Technology. We understand this to include the group of doctoral candidates, post-docs (or PhDs) as well as those newly appointed. In a holistic approach we would like to offer information, advice and further education for all career phases for further qualification, interdisciplinary competence development and career advancement. In a wide variety of events, there is also the opportunity to form networks, also beyond one's own subject boundaries, in order to dare to look beyond one's own nose and to benefit both professionally and personally.
We are the central service and coordination point for career promotion and competence development of young scientists, including all doctoral candidates, postdocs, junior group leaders and junior professors at Clausthal University of Technology.
We offer qualification programs for the acquisition of interdisciplinary competences and for career development, career and information events for the promotion of young scientists, support in the quality assurance of doctoral procedures, advice and services for young scientists.
We want to support young scientists in pursuing their own career paths and provide them with the methodological tools to do so. It is important to us to draw attention to the acquisition of further interdisciplinary competencies and to point out alternative career paths.
Goals and tasks
The goal of the Graduate Academy is the conceptually well-founded and institutionally integrated promotion of young scientists. This includes
- the development of a university-wide coordinated personnel development concept for the academic staff,
- a wide range of consulting and qualification services, and
- the commitment to promoting the quality of doctoral studies across disciplines and faculties.
The tasks of the Graduate Academy include in particular:
- the development and coordination of an interdisciplinary qualification offer with consideration of equality and compatibility in the context of the promotion of young researchers
- the promotion of the internationalization of doctoral education
- Supporting the faculties in the optimal supervision and qualification of doctoral students, taking into account the different subject cultures and defining guidelines
- Supporting and advising the faculties in the establishment of structured doctoral programs, graduate schools, graduate colleges and in the further development of framework conditions for individual doctorates
- taking into account the concerns of external doctoral candidates
Personnel development for scientific staff
Here you can find the personnel development concept (PEK) of the TU Clausthal for junior scientists and the entire scientific staff.
Further education and career
A diverse range of qualifications in the field of scientific work as well as in interdisciplinary areas such as personality development.
About us
Here you will find information about the team of the Graduate Academy, the Council of the Graduate Academy, goals and tasks as well as contact and directions.